豆瓣网友:Terrence:You're dead,Carl.You say no life,and therefore you've not living.You make up excuses to the people around you and to yourself.You're stuck in the same deadend job.You have been for years.You don't have a girlfriend.You don't have anything close to a girlfriend.And you lost the love of your life because she couldn't be with someone who didn't live theirs.And on most nights you're so bored and filled with ennuiyou can't even summon the enthusiasm necessary to masturbate.All I right?泰伦斯:卡尔,你的心已死,你总是对生活说不,生活便对你关上了门。你编造种种借口敷衍身边的人,敷衍自己。长久以来,你都陷在了一份毫无前途的工作中,你连女朋友都没有一个,甚至没有认识个女朋友的机会,你失去了生活中的挚爱,因为她不想和一个孬种共度一生。在大多数个夜晚,你筋疲力尽,百无聊赖,甚至没有痛痛快快地完成一次手淫。我说的对吗,卡尔?,黄文利导演对马伊琍说:"苦不苦?想想红军两万五,累不累?洗洗回屋上床睡。"方言对李白玲说:我这人就这样,经常哭半天了不知道哭谁呢。突然奏起熟悉的歌 于是你站起来四处张望 疑惑、寻找着 象花鹿嗅着风中气息 上帝听到你的祈祷? 灰姑娘会在起舞?上海没有秋天。往往是夏天一过去,下几场大雨,然后整个城市就开始飕飕地冒汗气。冬天迅速地在地上打几个滚,于是一切都变成冷冰冰的样子。