豆瓣网友:I read about a man,that made it to the summit.And standing there,at the top of the world.He experienced a profound silence.It was like all sounds just fell away.And that's when he heard it.The sound of the mountain.He said,it was like he heard the voice of God.我曾经读过一个人的书,他登上过顶峰。站在那儿,站在世界的巅峰。他感受到了无边的寂静。所有的声音消失不见。就在那时,他听到了那个声音-大山的声音。他说,那就好像是听到了上帝的声音。,坂本浩一导演对刘明月说:"不过这么高科技的玩意,说了你们也不会明白的。"你知道球馆里的球有多脏吗?其程度不亚于去街角帮人做免费的直肠体检。喜欢驾驶的人,都是控制欲比较强的人。控制方向盘,跟控制爱情局面,其实有异曲同工之妙。don't leave me, soundwave. as you command, megatron.不要丢下我,声波。遵命,威震天。一代枭雄居然乞求别人帮助,也着实让人心里不是滋味。好在声波仍然忠心,救走了威震天。